Digital Verification Engineering Tomorrow, Today: ASIC & FPGA Design

Long before an ASIC is available, the experienced Eximietas team can help you to build simulation models that run several orders of magnitude faster than RTL simulations.

These models can be used for architectural exploration, performance evaluation and to accelerate firmware development.

The Eximietas engineering team also has significant experience in building models for the mobile applications which help you to reduce the design cycles significantly by providing you virtual platform development services that help to get your products to the market much faster.

Block Level and Full chip RTL and Verification

Over the last decade, newer languages such as SystemVerilog have allowed verification engineers to significantly improve their productivity in building and maintaining complex verification environments. The availability of a large body of pre-verified components provided by standardized methodologies such as eRM, VMM, OVM and UVM have also helped significantly.

At Eximietas we have experience in building large maintainable verification environments in both SystemC and SystemVerilog. We can help to preserve your investment in legacy simulation environments or help you to build a new one from starting to inception.

Ineffective utilization of newer verification techniques in various verification organizations have led to the following problems:

  • Increased use of license, compute and storage resources due to sub-optimal constraining of testbench stimulus.
  • Lack of predictability in verification schedules

Our verification team has been successful at avoiding these problems by not relying purely on a single verification methodology. Based on the complexity of the design-under-test (DUT), we engage one or more of the following methods.

  • Directed Test Cases
  • Constrained Random Verification using golden reference models
  • Assertion based verification
  • Formal verification to validate “ASIC-style” DUT against a golden reference model

We also use code and functional coverage metrics throughout our verification cycle to conserve simulation resources and assure predictability of the schedule.


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